Photography case study – Wimborne Dental
The problem
With a change in ownership, Wimborne Dental wanted to rebrand the practice to reflect the more modern approach of the new principal. We worked on a refreshed logo, which, whilst still remaining recognisable with the previous brand (a key part of the brief), created a more modern look and feel. The contemporary curves, stylish font and rich colour palette formed a much more dynamic look for the future marketing materials.
Part of the rebrand was the requirement to create a set of images to utilise in all future marketing communications. The client didn’t want traditional stock lifestyle imagery, they didn’t want to showcase images of the local area, nor did they want to commission practice photography of the team and decor (as this was in the process of changing too). Instead we came up with a series of creative campaign ideas that we pitched to the client.
The solution
The chosen campaign was based on a ‘land of giants’ or ‘The Borrowers’ theme to play on the model village in the local area and also to create an unusual, memorable and fun series of images.
We storyboarded the key advertising messages that we wanted to capture and then went about photographing the selected poses, using different members of staff to showcase the different messages. The ‘people’ part of the shoot was carried out in a portable studio environment within a local hotel. The whole Wimborne team had fun ‘acting’ out their parts and playing to the camera.
Once the people imagery was captured, we set up the various props, shooting these on a consistent background ready for the post-production work. Putting the shots together involved cutting out each individual image to isolate the backgrounds and compositing them in PhotoShop. Shadows were added and a stylistic look created. Images were then placed alongside the headlines and copy all within the overall advertising campaign.
The different ‘images’ are now being used in press advertising, printed cards and brochures and will soon be added to the website and even utilised as large murals in the refurbished practice.
What our client said
‘Marcus came up with plenty of ideas to support the vision I had. The solution visually stands out from the crowd and its format allows flexibility in its use throughout our entire marketing strategy. It really has raised the practice presence within the area’
Briony Wood, Practice Principal
For more information on how photography can help you stand out from the crowd, call Marcus on 01242 236600 or email