
Help with meeting CQC standards

Firstly, apologies for the break in our blogging schedule - we fell victim to the cobbler's children syndrome that we swore we wouldn't fall victim to!  But at least it shows that clients really do come first at Blue Horizons.

I almost don't want to raise the issue of the CQC - I think it would probably be quite nice to have a CQC-free zone for dentists to retreat to.

However, it's there and needs to be acknowledged, so we're doing the next best thing and offering some help with meeting some of the essential standards that your practice will apparently be judged on.

They are numbers 10 and 17 - assessing and monitoring the quality of service provision,  and respecting and involving the people who use your services.

We are offering a professionally designed, personalised and pre-written patient questionnaire that will help you to meet these standards quickly, easily, and at minimum cost.

The questions included will enable you to collate and monitor feedback about the quality of clinical care and customer service you offer, together with comments on the presentation and cleanliness of the practice, your fees and your staff.  Space is also left for other comments or suggestions.

To find out more, just email us on, or telephone us on 01242 236600.

In the meantime, we promise that we'll try to blog regularly again, and not mention the CQC too often....

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