Signage is one of those things that has now become a must for any business who owns a property in the public eye. But just how many of these businesses are actually using their signage to help expand their branding and fulfil its potential and not let it become outdated and stagnant.
The facts!
The key to effective signage is to keep it simple and be clear what the message is, too much information can be confusing and will result in it just being ignored.
More than two-thirds of consumers (68%) believe that a store’s signage is reflective of the quality of its products and services
- Fed Ex office survey finds effective signage critical to store sales, May 14, 2012
Signage is proven to be one of the cheapest (and most effective) forms of marketing you could use for your business, so dive in at the deep end, use it as best as you can and then reap the rewards!
First impressions are fundamental
Attracting new customers is key to growing your business. In order to do this you need to make a good first impression, if a good impression is made then a customer will enter your business with a positive perception of what you offer, which of course means a much higher chance of them making a purchase.
7 in 10 (68%) of consumers surveyed say they have purchased a product or service because a sign caught their eye
- Fed Ex 2012
The promotional benefits
The use of signage can be a great way to quickly show people passing your establishment that you have a promotion on; fashion stores will often use banners in their windows to quickly show that they are launching a new line or mid-season sale. Along with showing potential customers and existing customers about any promotions, signage can be a great way to quickly convey information such as seasonal opening hours, a change in location and even the release of a new product, treatment or service.
The average business gets up to 50% of their sales from signage, 85% from within 5 miles.
— Small Business Association, September 2007

Outside the box
The most successful marketing campaigns are most likely to be those which fit outside the box, make people take a second glance or stand out amongst others. As a result of this businesses and marketing teams all over the world are now utilising new technology to really put themselves ahead of everyone else.
Car and van wraps are one of my personal favourites when it comes to promoting your business. The reason for this is that using wraps/vinyls is a relatively simplistic way to promote your business as they have such a high impact! are extremely memorable and they can be changed on a weekly, monthly even yearly basis to fit your message or campaign.
In addition to wraps there is also Contra-Vision which is a bit like a vinyl over the car windows except it doesn't impact on the driver's field of view
Is a refresh needed?
Signage can become dated over time so maybe it's time to refresh yours. Take a fresh look at your signage presence throughout your business, not just the signs on the outside, but those within the premises too. Try and look at things from a customer's perspective and ask yourself, 'would I come here or buy from here'?
If you think your signage could do with a fresh perspective or new look, then give me a call on 01242 236600 for a chat about how we can help.