Migrating from Magento over to Shopify

Migrating from Magento over to Shopify

Why migrate away from Magento 1?

With the withdrawal of support from Magento 1 set for June 2020, many online stores are needing to decide about the future of their ecommerce site.

One option for Magento 1 store owners is to move to Magento 2.  This does give you a completely bespoke solution, however, it will set you back in the region of £20,000 - £100, 000 upwards which is out of budget for many business owners.

As well as the removal of support from Magento 1, it could just be time for a new e-commerce solution. You may find that your existing site is overly bloated, hard and expensive to maintain and sorting out hosting yourself is too much of a headache. Enter – Shopify!

Why Shopify could be the ecommerce solution you need

Shopify is a super affordable ecommerce solution offering:

  • Hosted, highly secure platform (free SSL certificate included)
  • 24/7 Shopify Support – including live chat
  • App store – literally countless options to expand the function of your store and connect with external platforms
  • Integrated blog
  • Sell on numerous other sales channels without additional charge
  • Built-in discounts, analytics and inventory management
  • Scalability – your site can grow with you, including switching over to enterprise solution, Shopify Plus
  • Mobile commerce ready
  • Accept credit cards, Apple Pay & Google Pay with Shopify Payments plus integration with 100 other payment gateways
  • Multiply languages of the admin area itself
  • Automated carrier shipping rates or set your own
  • Excellent customer management and order fulfilment
  • Unlimited products with great product organisation including adding variants
  • Support of SEO best practice such as customizable H1, title and meta tags

To find out more about Shopify visit their website here

Considerations when migrating your site

  1. Planning does and always will prevent poor performance. It will take time to set up your store on a new platform so ensure you plan ahead and allow plenty of time to get it right.
  2. Work out what you want/need to migrate over – products, blogs, customer information and orders etc
  3. Ensure you create 301 redirects to maintain SEO ranking
  4. Create a back-up of your Magento store before you migrate any data over and make sure you can obtain access to your old site’s admin when you switch over the domain
  5. Once you are happy with the design, make sure you’ve checked all content, integrations and back end set up
  6. Test the buying process from a customer and admin perspective and refine as needed

How Blue Horizons can help with your migration to Shopify

Blue Horizons are an accredited Shopify Expert Partner meaning that Shopify have approved us as possessing the advanced skills, experience and expertise to help Shopify store owners with all their ecommerce needs. Having built over 200 Shopify stores since 2015, covering a vast range of different business sectors, Blue Horizons can help you:

  • Select the right theme and customise to suit
  • Migrate your products, variants, blogs and other relevant content over from your existing site
  • Migrate any existing orders and customers across
  • Set up redirects
  • Create a fresh design aesthetic in line with your branding
  • Provide training so you can manage your store yourself
  • Offer ongoing help and support to assist with changes and questions

Take a look at some stores that we have helped move from Magento 1 over to Shopify:

And here are some further stores that have migrated over to Shopify from other platforms:

If you are interested in migrating your ecommerce over to Shopify then give us a call on 01242 236600 or drop us an email info@bluehorizonsmarketing.co.uk

Reading next

Planning for your business in 5 easy steps
Why choose Shopify as your ecommerce platform