Here are a list of our current top 10 tips to help you make the most of the Shopify platform and your store. We’ve included some time savers and a few quick wins that will not only help you but also your customers.
- QUICK WIN when creating a discount code, generate a shareable link for you to use on social media and your customers will see the discount code already populated at checkout.
- SAVE TIME when setting up a navigation item, choose the link location first and it will pre-populate the name of the location as the link name!
- QUICK WIN Did you know you can now sell through images on Instagram, are you?
- QUICK WIN Utilise all the sales channels available to you, they're free!
- QUICK WIN Are you allowing your customers to checkout with Google Pay...
- QUICK WIN have you set up all the best options in your checkout settings? These have changed recently and now allow address auto-completion as well as checking out with just a mobile. Review your settings today and make it easier for your customers to purchase.
- SAVE TIME if you're adding any new apps that install code, then always make a back up first by duplicating the published theme, this avoids a lot of work should any problems arise!
- QUICK WIN Remember to customise your checkout with your company logo and colours to continue your brand throughout.
- QUICK WIN Fill your product description with honest and true information that will help sell the product to your customer and assist with SEO.
- SAVE TIME Bulk edit your products and edit everything from the price to the inventory using the built in spreadsheet style editor.