On behalf of the Blue Horizons Team we would like to reassure you during this difficult time that we are following the latest Government advice in reference to COVID-19. Our office is still open for the foreseeable future and our normal working hours apply, however, the most vulnerable of our staff will be working remotely during this time.
Due to the nature of our work we are lucky and able to work remotely whilst still delivering the high level of service we provide normally on a day to day basis from our Gloucester office.
We do not see our remote working or current office situation stopping us from continuing and completing your project and/or work. We will still be operating as normal until we advise you otherwise.
We would like to make you aware and ask you to bear in mind the knock-on effect this current global issue may have on areas of your business that is out of our control. This may include third parties and external providers that may differ to how we are currently operating. We encourage you to follow their social media accounts and sign up to their newsletter to be informed of their policies and working routines so you are notified if they change. We will, as always, do our best to support you with these where we can.
We work with multiple clients and understand this is a difficult time for everyone, and while we will continue to do our best to support you and your business through this time of uncertainty, we do politely ask that you allow us up to 3 days to complete standard work and get back to you. We will notify you otherwise if work may take longer.
In order to work efficiently and in the best interests of all our clients, we ask that all requests are sent through via email.
If you do have any worries or concerns about your project with us, please get in touch.